We can take any type hazardous waste from any location in California and dispose of it in the proper way.
We can ensure you that these materials are being processed and disposed of in a safe & lawful way.
Transportation & Disposal is the cornerstone of what do and we provide comprehensive solutions.
We are highly-skilled, experienced, and professional in Emergency Spill Response & clean up.
Our hazarous waste team can pick up all of your PCB Ballasts, transport them, and dispose of them in the proper lawful way.
Our professional & experienced waste disposal team have the proper equipment to pick up all of your hazardous waste dispose of it.
Your Hazardous Liquid Wastes needs the right team to package your waste with the correct type of containers and transported safely.
Because transporting and disposing of hazardous waste materials is our specialty, removing 55 gallon drums of liquid or powered waste is no problem.
Biohazardous waste includes medical waste, sharps, and other biohazardous substances, we have the facilities to handle all your biohazardous waste.
We can provide cost effective disposal options for radioactive, biological and chemical hazardous wastes in accordance with all Federal law.
We offer hazardous waste collection for residential homes and businesses that have left over paints and solvents that need to disposed of.
Because transporting and disposing of hazardous waste materials is our specialty, hauling drums of Hazardous waste materials is no problem for us.
If you have large amounts of electronic waste such as flat screens, CRT monitors, Computers, and other old electronics, we can safely dispose of it for you.